Secure Safes for Home & Business

Our guide for picking a new safe for the home or business.
To find out which product is most suitable for your security requirements you need to answer the following questions:
Q1. What do you want to protect?
Answer. Cash, valuables, documents or date media.
Q2. What’s the volume or size that you want to protect?
Answer. Having done this, you can either choose from BRE (Burglary Resistant Equipment) or FRE (Fire Resistant Equipment) products.
Cash Rating
Cash rating is “The amount an insurance company will cover in a safe/cabinet overnight”
The actual amount of cover can vary between insurance companies and locations and may be different to the manufacturers recommended rating. If this is important to you, you should check what cover your insurance company will offer*.
As a general rule, this rating is multiplied by a factor of 10 for jewellery. Hence, a Duogaurd Grade 1 with a cash rating of £10,000 will store jewellery in domestic circumstances worth up to £100,000
Fire Rating
Measured through tests carried out by independent testing authorities.
“The longer the period in minutes, the greater the fire resistance offered. The critical temperature before paper documents combust is 177°C. Whereas, data media is damaged at temperatures over 52°C or humidity over 85%”
Care should be taken to ensure the test certificate held by the equipment is applicable to modern media i.e. a DIS label.
* NB to conform to the certified standards, safes weighing less than 1,000kg should be based fixed into a solid concrete floor (recommended C25 concrete mix). Please check with your insurance company to confirm that the installation meets with their approval.
All the models in the home safe range are made in Italy.